Conformal array displacement

Tagged as lisp

Written on 2020-06-04 by Daniel 'jackdaniel' KochmaƄski

In Common Lisp it is possible to displace one array to another. This is a useful feature which allows reusing the same memory for different array shapes. On LispM it was possible to displace arrays conformally and treat array as a multi-dimensional object instead of a continuous memory block.

It is said that one array is worth thousand of strings. Let's illustrate the difference with an example:

ARRAY*> (defparameter *arr* (make-array '(8 8) :initial-element 0))
ARRAY*> *arr*
#2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
ARRAY*> (defparameter *dis*
          (make-array '(4 4)
                      :displaced-to *arr*
                      (array-row-major-index *arr* 2 2)))
ARRAY*> (loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size *dis*)
              do (setf (row-major-aref *dis* i) 1))
ARRAY*> *arr*
#2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
    (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
    (1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))

Had the array *dis* been displaced conformally, the result would be different:

ARRAY*> (defparameter *arr* (make-array '(8 8) :initial-element 0))
ARRAY*> (defparameter *dis*
          (make-array '(4 4)
                      :displaced-to *arr*
                      :displaced-index-offset '(2 2)))
ARRAY*> (loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size *dis*)
                do (setf (row-major-aref *dis* i) 1))
ARRAY*> *arr*
#2A((0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0)
    (0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0)
    (0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0)
    (0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))

Such displacement is especially attractive when you want to model the API to return a particular slice of an array (for instance representing a screen). From that there is only one step further to add a multi-dimensional fill pointer. It serves the same purpose as for vectors. In this post I'll sketch a hack which implements something resembling arrays which are conformally displaced.

First I'll shadow array symbols which will be implemented. Package meant for consumption is named eu.turtleware.hacks.array* while the actual code is put in the package eu.turtleware.hacks.array*.implementation.

(defpackage #:eu.turtleware.hacks.array*
  (:export #:array*
           ;; Constructors
           #:make-array #:adjust-array
           ;; Predicates
           ;; Accessors
           #:row-major-aref #:aref
           ;; Readers
           #:array-dimensions #:array-dimension #:array-rank
           #:array-element-type #:array-displacement
           #:array-total-size #:array-row-major-index))

(defpackage #:eu.turtleware.hacks.array*.implementation
  (:use #:cl #:eu.turtleware.hacks.array*)
  (:shadowing-import-from #:eu.turtleware.hacks.array*
                          ;; Constructors
                          #:make-array #:adjust-array
                          ;; Predicates
                          ;; Accessors
                          #:row-major-aref #:aref
                          ;; Readers
                          #:array-dimensions #:array-dimension #:array-rank
                          #:array-element-type #:array-displacement
                          #:array-total-size #:array-row-major-index))
(in-package #:eu.turtleware.hacks.array*.implementation)

I don't particularly care here about performance and consing in this implementation, because the conformal displacement should be implemented by Common Lisp vendors. They could leverage non-portable parts of the array implementation (i.e weak references to arrays which are displaced to the array). Most functions are generic and each will works for "real" arrays too.

array* is a wrapper which has four slots. array is the array to which we displace to, start and fillp define a slice of the array, and the flag inner indicates whether the array is not shared.

(defclass array* ()
  ((array :initarg :array :accessor %array)
   (start :initarg :start :accessor %start)
   (fillp :initarg :fillp :accessor %fillp)
   (inner :initarg :inner :accessor %inner)))

Some generic functions are very mundane. Macro define-wrapper is defined for such cases.

(defmacro define-wrapper (name (array-var &rest args) &body body)
  (let ((cl-name (find-symbol (symbol-name name) (find-package 'cl))))
    `(defgeneric ,name (,array-var ,@args)
       (:method ((,array-var cl:array) ,@args)
         (,cl-name ,array-var ,@args))
       (:method ((,array-var array*) ,@args)

Predicates are straightforward. arrayp works on any object, the rest works only for arrays.

(defgeneric arrayp (array)
  (:method (array) nil)
  (:method ((array cl:array)) t)
  (:method ((array array*)) t))

(define-wrapper adjustable-array-p (array)

(define-wrapper array-has-fill-pointer-p (array)

(defgeneric array-in-bounds-p (array &rest subscripts)
  (:method ((array cl:array) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'cl:array-in-bounds-p array subscripts))
  (:method ((array array*) &rest subscripts)
    (loop for start in (%start array)
          for fillp in (%fillp array)
          for len = (- fillp start)
          for sub in subscripts
          unless (typep sub `(integer 0 ,len))
            do (return-from array-in-bounds-p nil)
          finally (return t))))

Readers are also trivial. array-displacement returns the third value indicating the last index in the displaced-to array.

(define-wrapper array-element-type (array)
  (array-element-type (%array array)))

(define-wrapper array-rank (array)
  (length (%start array)))

(define-wrapper array-dimensions (array)
  (mapcar #'- (%fillp array) (%start array)))

(define-wrapper array-dimension (array axis-number)
  (- (nth (%fillp array) axis-number)
     (nth (%start array) axis-number)))

(define-wrapper array-total-size (array)
  (reduce #'* (array-dimensions array)))

(define-wrapper array-displacement (array)
  (values (%array array)
          (%start array)
          (%fillp array)))

Accessors are more tricky. For aref I'll define a helper function get-real-subscripts which translates supplied subscripts to the underlying array's subscripts.

(defun get-real-subscripts (array &rest subscripts)
  (loop for sub in subscripts
        for off in (%start array)
        for flp in (%fillp array)
        for ind = (+ sub off)
        if (and (>= ind off) (< ind flp))
          collect ind into subs
          do (error "Invalid index.")
           (return subs)))

Now implementing aref and (setf aref) is a matter of translating subscripts and calling the function on a displaced-to array.

(defgeneric aref (array &rest subscripts)
  (:method ((array cl:array) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'cl:aref array subscripts))
  (:method ((array array*) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'cl:aref
           (%array array)
           (apply #'get-real-subscripts array subscripts))))

(defgeneric (setf aref) (new-value array &rest subscripts)
  (:argument-precedence-order array new-value)
  (:method (new-value (array cl:array) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'(setf cl:aref) new-value array subscripts))
  (:method (new-value (array array*) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'(setf aref)
           (%array array)
           (apply #'get-real-subscripts array subscripts))))

To access the array with the row major index a function which reconstructs subscripts from the integer is necessary. A reverse operation computes the row major index from subscripts and it is of course array-row-major-index.

(defun row-major-index-to-subscripts (array index)
  (loop with ind = index
        with sub
        for rem on (array-dimensions array)
        do (multiple-value-setq (sub ind)
             (truncate ind (reduce #'* (cdr rem))))
        collect sub))

(defgeneric array-row-major-index (array &rest subscripts)
  (:method ((array cl:array) &rest subscripts)
    (apply #'cl:array-row-major-index array subscripts))
  (:method ((array array*) &rest subscripts)
    ;; Q: Can we do better?; A: Of course we can!
    ;; Q: Why won't we?;     A: Too much hassle!
    (loop for rem on (array-dimensions array)
          for sub in subscripts
          summing (* sub (reduce #'* (cdr rem))))))

Having row-major-index-to-subscripts implemented, accessors row-major-aref and (setf row-major-aref) are easy:

(define-wrapper row-major-aref (array index)
  (apply #'aref array (row-major-index-to-subscripts array index)))

(defgeneric (setf row-major-aref) (new-value array index)
  (:argument-precedence-order array index new-value)
  (:method (new-value (array cl:array) index)
    (setf (cl:row-major-aref array index) new-value))
  (:method (new-value (array array*) index)
    (apply #'(setf aref) new-value array
           (row-major-index-to-subscripts array index))))

As noted before, I don't care about offsetting computations to compilation time. However if I did I could have made an interesting blunder (which can be avoided by the implementation made by a vendor): write a hash function which takes row major index of the array and returns row major index of the displaced-to array. That would make access faster. The problem is that when the displaced-to array is adjusted, the hash function may be invalid because array dimensions change and there is no portable way to detect that - each function would need to explicitly check the displaced-to array dimensions if they are the same as previously.

Now it is time to implement constructors make-array and adjust-array. They are quite similar, especially when it comes to validating parameters. The next three functions are utilities shared by both. check-conformal-args validates arguments. Most notably it checks whether displacement arguments have the same arity as the array rank.

(defun check-conformal-args
    (dimensions initial-element initial-contents
     fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
  (cond ((and (not displaced-to) displaced-index-offset)
         (error "Can't specify ~s without ~s."
                :displaced-index-offset :displaced-to))
        ((and displaced-to (or initial-element initial-contents))
         (error "~s and ~s are mutually exclusive with ~s."
                :initial-element :initial-contents :displaced-to))
        ((and (consp fill-pointer)
              (/= (length fill-pointer) (length dimensions)))
         (error "~s must have the same length as DIMENSIONS."
        ((and (consp displaced-index-offset)
              (/= (length displaced-index-offset) (length dimensions)))
         (error "~s must have the same length as DIMENSIONS."

Slots start and fillp are expressed as indexes of the displaced-to array (usually fill-pointer is expressed in vector indexes). I use a helper function to return lists for displaced-index-offset and fill-pointer which are computed based on array dimensions. This function assumes, that arguments are already validated with check-conformal-args.

(defun fix-displacement (dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
  ;; Correct the FILL-POINTER and the DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET. Both
  ;; should be expressed in the destination array indexes.
  (cond ((and (atom fill-pointer)
              (atom displaced-index-offset))
         (setf displaced-index-offset
               (make-list (length dimensions) :initial-element 0))
         (setf fill-pointer dimensions))
        ((atom fill-pointer)
         (setf fill-pointer (mapcar #'+ displaced-index-offset dimensions)))
        ((atom displaced-index-offset)
         (setf displaced-index-offset (mapcar #'- fill-pointer dimensions)))
         (setf fill-pointer (mapcar #'+ displaced-index-offset fill-pointer))))
  (values displaced-index-offset fill-pointer))

The last function checks whether final indexes have valid order:

(defun check-indexes (dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
  (every #'<=
         (make-list (length dimensions) :initial-element 0)
         (mapcar #'+ displaced-index-offset dimensions)))

make-array may construct three different objects:

  • cl:array instance when there is no conformal displacement
  • array* instance with inner=Y for multi-dimensional fill-pointer
  • array* instance with inner=N for conformally displaced array
(defun make-array (dimensions &rest args
                     (element-type t)
  (declare (ignore element-type adjustable))
  (when (and (atom displaced-index-offset)
             (atom fill-pointer)
             (not (typep displaced-to 'array)))
    (return-from make-array
      (apply #'cl:make-array dimensions args)))
  (check-conformal-args dimensions initial-element initial-contents
                        fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
  (when (null displaced-to)
    ;; implies that D-I-O is NIL and that F-P is CONS
    (remf args :fill-pointer)
    (return-from make-array
      (make-instance 'array*
                     :array (apply #'cl:make-array dimensions args)
                     :start (make-list (length dimensions) :initial-element 0)
                     :fillp fill-pointer
                     :inner t)))
  (multiple-value-setq (displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
    (fix-displacement dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer))
  ;; Assert the indice correctness.
  (if (and (check-indexes dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
           (every #'<= fill-pointer (array-dimensions displaced-to)))
      (make-instance 'array*
                     :array displaced-to
                     :start displaced-index-offset
                     :fillp fill-pointer
                     :inner nil)
      (error "Invalid FILL-POINTER or DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET specification.")))

adjust-array, unless called on cl:array (in which case it calls cl:adjust-array), always preserves the array identity. When the array is confromally displaced to another one (inner=NIL), or the parameter displaced-to is not NIL, A new array is created with make-array and slots are copied from the result.

Otherwise the displaced-to array is private, so it is possible to adjust start and fillp. If the result does not fit in the displaced-to array, it is adjusted too.

(defun adjust-array (array dimensions &rest args
  (declare (ignore element-type))
  (etypecase array
     (apply #'adjust-array array dimensions args))
     (when (or (not (%inner array)) displaced-to)
       (let ((arr (apply #'make-array array dimensions args)))
         (if (typep arr 'array*)
             (setf (%array array) (%array arr)
                   (%start array) (%start arr)
                   (%fillp array) (%fillp arr)
                   (%inner array) nil)
             (setf (%array array) arr
                   (%start array) (make-list (length dimensions) :initial-element 0)
                   (%fillp array) (array-dimensions arr)
                   (%inner array) t))))
     (check-conformal-args dimensions initial-element initial-contents
                           fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
     (setf displaced-to (%inner array))
     (multiple-value-setq (displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
       (fix-displacement dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer))
     ;; Assert the indice correctness.
     (unless (check-indexes dimensions displaced-index-offset fill-pointer)
       (error "Invalid FILL-POINTER or DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET specification."))
     (unless (every #'<= fill-pointer displaced-to)
       (remf args fill-pointer)
       (remf args displaced-index-offset)
       (setf displaced-to (apply #'adjust-array displaced-to fill-pointer args)))
     (setf (%array array) displaced-to
           (%start array) displaced-index-offset
           (%fillp array) fill-pointer)

That's all. As noted before, this is a mere sketch, but works fairly good. I've written it to incorporate in the charming-clim tutorial, but I've decided to not complicate description too much. Still I think that it is an interesting insight so I've decided to make it into a separate post. In the future I'd like to incorporate this very cool feature into the Embeddable Common Lisp.

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